The tour was created as a promotion for our Scotland Garden Scheme opening in 2006.

We would be happy to show individuals and small groups around at any time and information for visitors can be found here.

Click this link to see the items of interest at various times of year.

Please click an area on the map for notes on the plants to be seen in that part of the garden.

To return to this map click the tree icon at the end of each section. Tree button!

If you want to find a particular plant, use your browser's 'Find' facility on each section or more details of the plants can be found by viewing either the "Collections" or the "Redhall Plant database" sections or click the House button! button to return to the garden section.

We've got our plants from many sources but have had particularly good service and plants from,

In 2007 an underground watering system was installled which runs to the top of the garden and uses 'Leaky Pipe' to water the various beds with minimal use of water.

Major projects in 2009 were the installation of 'EverEdge' steel edging around thw beds in the Northern area of the garden and the installation of an anti-roe deer electric fence.

Our major problem now is rabbits and extensive damage was done in the winters of 2009 & 2010 by them barking shrubs and trees. In 2012, we had the whole garden fitted with rabbit mesh but there's still one within the perimeter!

Redhall section map Sycamore South yellow South green West blue Vegetable garden West green West yellow Cottage garden East green East yellow North green North blue North yellow