Visual Basic CLASS modules 

I got into writing VB Classes as preparation for learning C++ but found them so useful that I've re-written many of my VB applications to include Class modules.

Each Class is provided as an illustratory VB project, packed as a .ZIP file, whose names and sizes are shown below.

Click the  'Info'  box, or the left menu link, for more information or click the  .zip  box to download it.

Use of Excel workbooks from within VB applications.  info.  10K
Printing with Print Preview.  info.  386K
A customised Message box system.  info.  13K
Evalution of string expressions.  info.  8K
A replacement for the CommonDialog control.  info.  37K
A selection of sorting algorithms.  info.  14K
Help About form generation.  info.  53K
Graphic files, width and height.  info.  20K