All of these VB6 applications are available elsewhere but these examples are a little more detailed than some.

The file to download is either a self-extracting, .EXE file or a .ZIP file which will produce several files including a "ReadMe" text file, (which should be read!) and a "setup.exe" which should be run to install the package.



Last update: 27/3/2020

Background image: The Mandelbröt set for z = z4 + c

 Inno VB system 


 Inno VB system 

This isn't actually one of my downloads but so associated with VB6 project distribution that I thought it fits in best here.

Inno Setup provides a scripting language to compile a setup program for Windows applications.

For Visual Basic users, this is a useful and very versatile alternative to the "Package & Deployment Wizard", (PDW), particularly for packages with a large number of files. One of the main problems with PDW is that files have to be added one-at-time to the basic selection and there is no easy facility to create sub-folders in the installed package.

Inno allows both of these problems to be solved and has a host of other facilities not available with PDW. In fact, my only criticism is that there are so many possibilities that there is a very steep learning curve.

For anyone who's interested, I've outlined my use of Inno Setup for VB6 packages on this linked page.



 Inno for VB6 

 Project structure 

It's worth spending a little time considering the structure of your project before starting to create an installation utility.

Because of Inno's ability to add folders and their contents, it's advantageous to put as much as you can into folders so that the individual files don't have to be defined in the Inno script file. In fact, you could put everything into one folder which would then be the only thing to be defined in the script and which would become the operational folder of the installed package.

In particular, I place all the graphics required by the package into a 'graphics' folder rather than have them in the same folder as the VB code.

When I have a project working to my satisfaction, I create a folder called 'Publish' or 'Package' and copy a clean version of all the material into it.

 Creating the Inno script 

 Run the VB6 Package & Deployment Wizard 

Whilst you can just write the script or use the Inno Script Wizard, it's useful to actually start from the 'setup.lst' file produced by the VB Wizard. This will give you information on the dependencies of your package if you're not sure of what these may be. This can be a problem: if you're using the File System Object in your package, you may be aware that you'll need 'scrrun.dll' to utilise facets of VBscript but I wasn't aware until I ran PDW that you also need 'msvcrt.dll'!

Just add the minium of data when you use the VB wizard and only add the [project].exe file. The wizard also creates a 'Support' folder which will have copies of the .ocx and other files that are required. You should access these copies in the Inno script rather than the ones in your system folder/s. If you try to do the latter, you'll get a warning when you try to compile the script.

 Using a script template 

I recommend that you set up a simple script to be used as a template and just alter the files, project name, etc. for each package you create.

The details of the one I use are explained on this linked page.

 Other help 

Other sources of help with Inno Setup scripting are,



 HTML Help 

Help display

This package provides an alternative to the MS HTML Help Workshop and the WinHelp Workshop to allow you to create HTML Help files for VB packages where you have complete control of the styling of all aspects of the display.

MS packages
History of MS HTML Help
History of MS HTML Help

Click here to download HTML Help, (174K).



 Map editing for HTML 

The MAP EDITOR package allows you to create "hot-spot" areas on images for .HTM files.

As well as defining the type and coordinates of the area, the program produces HTML code for the action required:

  • A link,
  • A Pop-Up,
  • Opening a New Window or
  • An inactive area.
Maps can be stored and there is also an extensive "Help" file included.
Sample Map

Download the MAP EDITOR package, (2.15M).



 Function Graphing in 2 and 3D 
3D polar graph
3D polar graph

2D Parametric function
2D Parametric function
The GRAPHING package allows you to draw graphs for nine types of function.

These are functions of the form:-

  • z = f(x, y),
  • x = f1(u,v), y = f2(u,v), z = f3(u,v)
  • r = f(a, b),
  • x = f1(t), y = f2(t), z = f3(t)
  • r = f1(t), a = f2(t), z = f3(t)
  • z = f(r, a),
  • y = f(x),
  • r = f(a) and
  • x = f1(t), y = f2(t)

The functions can be plotted without or with axes which can be scaled and the resolution of the graph can be changed to facilitate speed of plotting.

Up to 10 different functions of the same type can be overlaid with each being drawn in a different colour.

The 3D functions can be displayed and printed in one of two stereo forms: stereo-pairs or red/blue anaglyphs.

Functions can be stored and any number of different storage files created. There is also an extensive "Help" file included.

The package now allows 3D surface plotting with some forms of graph, courtesy of the Surface Viewer control by Bright Ideas Software

z = f(x,y)
z = f(x,y) with hidden lines removed

3D Parametric function
3D Parametric function

Stereo pair

Have a look at the Graph gallery

or download the GRAPHING package, (3.38M).

Other graphing sites:-

Open GL 3D graphing
Pacific Tech
3D theory
Study Works, 3D graphing
Curvus Pro - the reference for 2D curves and 3D graphs
Bright Ideas software, 3D graphs and calculus software
Cool graphs



 Graph Gallery, page 1 
The descriptions list the function/s which produced the graph and the range of the variable/s used.
Click a thumb-nail graphic for an enlarged version.
z=f(x,y) graph 1 z = Cos(x+2*pi*cos(y/2))+Cos(y+2*pi*Cos(x/2))
x = -9 to 9, y = -9 to 9
Psuedo-Bessell function z = (x*x-y*y)^2/(x*x+y*y)
x = -9 to 9, y = -9 to 9
Psuedo-Bessell function
Solid surface, Psuedo-Bessell function Surface plot of z = 4*(x*x-y*y)^2/(x*x+y*y)
x = -5 to 5, y = -5 to 5
Psuedo-Bessell function
z=f(x,y) graph 2 z = Cos(x+2*pi*Cos(y/2))
x = -2pi to 2pi, y = -2pi to 2pi
z=f(x,y) graph 3 z = Exp(Sin(x)*Sin(y)*3)/4
x = -2pi to 2pi, y = -2pi to 2pi
z=f(x,y) graph 4 z = Cos(x*x-y*y)
x = -pi to pi, y = -pi to pi
x=f(t), y=f(t), z=f(t) 1 x = 2*Cos(t) + Sin(2*t)
y = Sin(t) + Cos(2*t)
z = t*Cos(t)/10
t = -30 to 30
x=f(t), y=f(t), z=f(t) 2 x = 2*Cos(t) + Cos(2*t)
y = 2*Sin(t) + Sin(2*t)
z = t*Sin(t)
t = -50 to 50
r=f(a,b) 1 r = Sqr(4*Cos(a + b))
a = 0 to 2pi, b = 0 to 2pi
r=f(a,b) 2 r = Sin(2*a) + Sin(2*b)
a = 0 to 2pi, b = 0 to 2pi
r=f(a,b) 3 r = Sin(a) + Sin(b)
a = -pi to pi, b = -pi to pi
r=f(a,b) 4 r = 1/Sqr(a*a + b*b)
a = 0 to 2pi, b = 0 to 2pi
Red/blue anaglyph Red/blue anaglyph
r = sin(a + b) - cos(a + b) a = 0 to 2pi
b = 0 to 2pi
x=f(t), y=f(t) 1 x=cos(t) + t^2*sin(t)
y=sin(t) + t^2*cos(t)
t = -8pi to 8pi
z=f(r,a) z = e^(-r*r)*(sin(2*r)-r*cos(4*a))
r = 0 to 2
a = -2pi to 2pi
r-f(t), a=f(t), z=f(t) r =2
a = t
z =cos(7*t)
t = -pi to pi



 Graph Gallery, page 2 
The descriptions list the function/s which produced the graph and the range of the variable/s used.
Click the thumb-nail graphic for an enlarged version.
r=f(a,b) graph 1 r = (a + b)/(a*a + b*b)
a = 0 to 2pi, b = 0 to 2pi
r=f(a,b) graph 2 r = 1/(a + b)
a = 0 to 2pi, b = 0 to 2pi
r=f(a,b) graph 3 r = (a + b)/a*b
a = 0 to 2pi, b = 0 to 2pi
r=f(a,b) graph 4 r = a + b
a = 0 to 2pi, b = 0 to 2pi
y=f(x) 1 y = Sin(8/(x^2 + 1))
x = -5pi to 5 pi
y=f(x) 2 y = Sin(x)+Sin(3*x)/3+Sin(5*x)/5+Sin(7*x)/7
Square wave synthesis
x = -3pi to 3pi
y=f(x) 2, Square wave synthesis r = a^2
Archimedes spiral
a = 0 to 10pi
y=f(x) 3 r = 1/a
Hyperbolic spiral
a = 0 to 2pi
r=f(a) 1, Hyperbolic spiral r = 4*Cos(a)*(Sin(a)^2) - Cos(a)
a = -2pi to 2pi
r=f(a) 2, Limaçon of Pascal r = 2*Cos(a) + n, (n = 1, 2 & 3)
Limaçon of Pascal
a = 0 to 2pi
x=f(t), y=f(t), 1 x = Cos(t) + t*Sin(t)
y = Sin(t) + t*Cos(t)
t = -2pi to 2pi
x=f(t), y=f(t), 2 x = 2*Cos(t) + Cos(2*t)
y = 2*Sin(t) + Sin(2*t)
t = 0 to 2pi
x=f(t), y=f(t), 3 x = (t + 1)/(t^3 + 1)
y = (t + 1)/(t^2 + 1)
t = -100 to 100
x=f(t), y=f(t), 3 x = (t^2 - 1)/(t^4 + 1)
y = (t^2 - 1)/(t^3 + 1)
t = -100 to 100



 Dawkins' Biomorphs 

This version lets you display a particular biomorph and all its relations produced by a change of 1 in each gene value or a set of 25 random mutations from a particular biomorph, as shown on the left.

Each type of display can be printed, either as a grid display or as a full-size biomorph, and they can be saved in storage files of which any number can be created.

A sample storage file is included in the package and there is also an extensive "Help" file appended.

Click here to download BIOMORPHS, (2.28M).

Other Biomorph sites:-

Biomorph Breeder
Biomorph viewer



Mandelbröt set 1
Mandelbröt set

Julia set 2
Julia enlargement

This version allows you to draw the Mandelbröt sets for ten different iterative functions and their associated Julia sets.

Function Real part Imaginary part
z = z² + c x² - y² 2xy
z = z³ + c x³ - 3xy² 3x²y - y³
z = z² + z + c x² - y² + x y(2x + 1)
z = z² - z + c x² - y² - x y(2x - 1)
z = z(z² - 1) + c x³ - 3xy² - x 3x²y - y - y³
z = z²(z - 1) + c x³ - x² - 3xy² + y² 3x²y - 2xy - y³
z = z² - z - 1 + c x² - y² - x - 1 y(2x - 1)
z = z⁴ + c x⁴ - 6x²y² + y⁴ 4(x³y - xy³)
z = z(z + i) + c x² - y² - y x(2y + 1)
z = z²(z + i) + c x³ - 3xy² - 2xy 3x²y + x² - y² - y³

Areas for enlargement are selected by dragging the mouse over a display and displays can be printed and stored, either as the basic data used to generate the display or as the actual display data.

The illustrations are areas of the sets produced by the function z = z²(z - 1) + c

A sample storage file is included in the package and there is also an extensive "Help" file appended.

The current version has had a number of modifications added, the most important of which is that you can now enter your own equations.

Julia set 1
Julia set

Mandelbröt set 2
Mandelbröt enlargement

Have a look at the Mandelbröt and Julia gallery
or download the MANDELBRÖT package, (1.58M).

Other Mandelbröt sites:-

Julia and Mandelbröt Sets
Images of the Filled Julia Set for the Riemann Zeta Function
Fractal Explorer Mandelbröt and Julia sets (by Fabio Cesari)
Julia Set, Mu-Ency at MROB
Mandelbröt Set and Julia Sets
Mandelbröt And Julia Set Explorer
Julia and Mandelbröt Set Bibliography
The Fractory Make-Your-Own Julia Sets
Mandel and Julia
Mandelbröt and Julia sets



The description lists the type of set, (Mandelbröt or Julia), the function used to generate the set and the scan area parameters,
(the coordinates of the lower-left corner, followed by the length of the side). The constant is added for Julia sets.
Most values are shown in exponential notation.
Click the thumb-nail graphic for an enlarged version.
Mandelbröt 1 Mandelbröt
z = z² + c
(-1.40E-1, 8.90E-1),
Mandelbröt 2 Mandelbröt
z = z² + c
(-7.22E-1, 3.03E-1),
Julia 1 Julia
z = z(z² - 1) + c
(-1.52, -1.45),
(-0.6171, 0.4553i)
Julia 2 Julia
z = z(z² - 1) + c
(-2.94E-1, 2.52E-1),
(-0.6171, 0.4553i)
Mandelbröt 3 Mandelbröt
z = z² - z - 1 + c
(9.19E-1, 1.69E-2),
Mandelbröt 4 Mandelbröt
z = z² - z - 1 + c
(9.49E-1, 1.33E-1),
Julia 3 Julia
z = z²(z - 1) + c
(-1.20, -1.50),
(0.9541, 0.5385i)
Julia 4 Julia
z = z²(z - 1) + c
(-5.29E-1, -6.70E-2),
(0.9541, 0.5385i)
Mandelbröt 5 Mandelbröt
z = z⁴ + c
(--1.40, -1.30),
Mandelbröt 6 Mandelbröt
z = z⁴ + c
(-6.85E-1, 3.53E-1),
Julia 5 Julia
z = z⁴ + c
(-1.50, -1.50),
(-0.6841, 0.3534i)
Julia 6 Julia
z = z⁴ + c
(-8.76E-1, 1.32E-1),
(-0.6841, 0.3534i)



The description lists the type of set, (Mandelbröt or Julia), the function used to generate the set and the scan area parameters,
(the coordinates of the lower-left corner, followed by the length of the side). The constant is added for Julia sets.
Most values are shown in exponential notation.
Click the thumb-nail graphic for an enlarged version.
Mandelbröt 1 Mandelbröt
z = z(z + i) + c
(-2.5, -2.5),
Mandelbröt 2 Mandelbröt
z = z(z + i) + c
(-3.47E-2, -1.90),
Mandelbröt 3 Mandelbröt
z = z(z + i) + c
(7.32-2, -1.20),
Mandelbröt 4 Mandelbröt
z = z(z + i) + c
(8.13E-2, -1.02),
Julia 1 Julia
z = z(z + i) + c
(-2.00, --2.50),
(0.0816, -1.0176i)
Julia 2 Julia
z = z(z + i) + c
(8.66E-1, 2.12E-1),
(0.0816, -1.0176i)
Julia 3 Julia
z = z(z + i) + c
(9.62E-1, 2.45E-1),
(0.0816, -1.0176i)
Julia 4 Julia
z = z(z + i) + c
9.64E-1, 2.48E-1),
(0.0816, -1.0176i)
Mandelbröt 5 Mandelbröt
z = z²(z + i) + c
(-1.80, -2.20),
Mandelbröt 6 Mandelbröt
z = z²(z + i) + c
(-1.85E0-1, -1.041),
Mandelbröt 7 Mandelbröt
z = z²(z + i) + c
(-1.43E-1, -9.98E-1),
Mandelbröt 8 Mandelbröt
z = z²(z + i) + c
-1.41E-1, -9.99E-1),
Julia 5 Julia
z = z²(z + i) + c
(-1.50, -1.80),
(-0.1413, -0.9976i)
Julia 6 Julia
z = z²(z + i) + c
(7.70E-1, -1.51E-1),
(-0.1413, -0.9976i)
Julia 7 Julia
z = z²(z + i) + c
(8.48E-1, 1.88E-1),
(-0.1413, -0.9976i)
Julia 9 Julia
z = z²(z + i) + c
8.49E-1, 1.90E-1),
(-0.1413, -0.9976i)



 STATS, an interactive statistics package 

The package allows investigation of a range of statistical operations by the use of an interactive, command driven system.

Data can be entered from the keyboard, generated by commands or imported from Excel workbooks or Access databases.

A simple interpreted language is included to allow the programming of commands.

Data can be stored and re-loaded as can sets of commands or programs.

The package includes an extensive Help file which illustrates the various operations and gives sample programs including that shown in the Command window on the right.

Statistics commands

Have a look at the list of commands, the interpreter operation
or download the STATS package, (5.2M).



 STATS commands index 

The command syntax requires that NO SPACES are used within a command. A list of abbreviated commands can be added to the display by right-clicking the text above the command window.

Where there are commands whose only difference is that one operates on a block of data whilst the other processes a column, the command is prefaced by 'b' or 'c' to indicate which is which.

e.g.'b_range' finds the ranges across the rows of a block of data whilst 'c_range' finds the range of the data within the specified column.

The commands are shown with the command in bold and the required parameters in italics. This is followed by a description of the command and an illustrative example.

Some commands require a variable name as a parameter to return the result of an operation.

Descriptions and examples of the commands can be found by clicking on the 'Commands' links in the following list.

 Commands 1  CLEARING DATA 
clear_all Clears all of the data.
b_clear Clears a block of data.
save_data Saves a block of data.
load_data Load a stored block of data or data from Access or Excel files.
enter_data Enter data from the keyboard.
seq Generate a sequence of values.
fib Generate a Fibonacci like sequence of values.
function Generate pairs of values from a specified function.
concat Concatenate two columns of data.
random_i Generate a set of random integers.
random_r Generate a set of random real numbers.
random_n Generate a set of random reals with a specified Standard Deviation and mean.
random_be Generate a set of random ones and zeroes with a Bernoulli distribution.
random_bi Generates a set of random integers with a Binomial distribution.
random_p Generate a set of random integers with a Poisson's distribution.
random_x Generate a set of random integers with an exponential distribution.
 Commands 2  DATA OUTPUT 
display Displays a block of data.
value Displays the current value of a program variable.
histogram Displays histogram or other bar chart.
point_plot Displays scattergrams of data.
graph Displays graphs of data.
best_line Draws the best line through a set of data.
find_line Draws a set of 'best-fit' lines through a set of data.
b_sum Adds the values in the rows of a block of data.
c_sum Adds the values in a column of data.
diff Subtracts one column from another.
inc Adds a constant to the values in a column of data.
scale Multiplies a column by a constant.
b_min_max Finds the maximum and minimum values in a block of data.
c_min_max Finds the maximum and minimum values in a column of data.
b_range Finds range of values across the rows of a block of data.
c_range Finds range of values in a column of data.
b_mean Finds the mean value of the rows in a block of data.
c_mean Finds the mean value of a column of data.
parsum Finds the partial sums of a column of data.
sigma Finds the sum of the products of two columns of data.
replace Replaces specified values in a column of data.
s_d Finds the Standard Deviation of a column of data.
dist Finds the distribution of the data of a column.
sort Sorts a column of data.
regress Allows regression values onto a 'best line' to be found.
round Rounds a column of data to a specified number of decimal places or significant figures.
correlate Finds the product-moment correlation coefficient.
chi_test Carries out a χ² test.
t_test Carries out the 'Student's' T-test.
m_w_test Carries out a Mann-Whitney test.

The interpretation of the commands and the evaluation of expressions make use of the Microsoft document, Q86688, which has been expanded to deal with more user variables.



 STATS commands, page 1 


Clears all data to zero.

b_clear(first column number, last column number)
Clears the block of columns to zero.
e.g. b_clear(3,6) will zero all values in columns 3 through to 6.


save_data( first column number,second column number)
This saves the block of data defined by the two column numbers.
e.g. save_data(1,4) will save all the data in columns 1 to 4.

load_data(column number)
This loads a block of data, starting the storage at the specified column number. The data is added below any existing data in the columns concerned,
e.g. load_data(2) will load a block of data, starting the storage in column 2 and continuing for the number of columns in the block.

If STATS data is being re-loaded, a parameter of zero will re-load it into the same columns from which it was saved. Otherwise, it's loaded into the specified column onwards. A parameter of zero will give an error with Access or Excel data.

Executing the command first displays the data file selection screen.
File loading display
Three types of data file can be loaded.


enter_data(number of items, first column number, last column number)
Allows the specified number of items to be entered from the keyboard into a block of columns, a row at a time.
e.g. enter_data(50,1,3) will allow the entry of 50 rows of data into columns 1 to 3.

If data already exists in the block the entered data is added to the existing so, if this is not wanted, clear_all or b_clear should first be used to remove the existing data.
Clicking the CANCEL button will stop the process; saving the last complete row of data.

seq(initial value,geometric factor,arithmetic factor,number of items,column number)
This will produce a sequence of numbers in the specified column using the first three parameters in a recurence relationship of the form un+1 = g un + a where u1 is the initial value and g and a the geometric and arithmetic factors.
e.g. seq(1,2,1,7,4) will produce the sequence 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, . . . in column 4.

fib(initial value,second value,first term factor,second term factor,number of items,column number)
This will produce a sequence of numbers in the specified column using a recurence relationship of the form un+2 = a un + b un+1 where u1 is the initial value, u2 is the second value, a is the first term factor and b is the second term factor.
e.g. fib(1,2,1,1,20,1) will produce the Fibonacci sequence, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 . . ., for 20 terms in column 1.

function(function,start value,end value,step value ,x-data column number,function column number)
This will produce a sequence of numbers where the values in the column correspond to the X-data generated by the start value, the end value and the step value and the Function column contains the corresponding values of the function.
The function must be entered with 'x' as the variable using standard BASIC syntax.
e.g. function(x^2,1,8,2,1,3) will produce the values 1,3,5,7 in column 1 and the corresponding squares in column 3.

Extends the data in the first column by adding on the data from the second.
e.g. concat(3,5) will add the data in column 5 to that already in column 3.

The largest number of data creation commands are to produce sets of random numbers.

random_i(lower limit,upper limit,number,first column number, last column number)
This produces a set of random integers with a rectangular distribution between the specified limits in the designated block of columns.
e.g. random_i(1,6,50,3,5) will simulate 50 rolls of a die in columns 3 to 5.

random_r(lower limit,upper limit,number,first column number, last column number)
This produces a set of random real numbers with a rectangular distribution between the specified limits in the designated block of columns.
e.g. random_r(2.5,3.5,10,1,2) will generate 10 numbers in each of columns 1 and 2 with values between 2.5 and 3.5

random_n(mean,standard deviation,number,first column number,last column number)
This generates a set of normally distributed random real numbers with the specified standard deviation and mean in the designated block of columns.
e.g. random_n(20,2,50,3,5) will generate 50 numbers in columns 3 to 5 where the numbers in each column have a mean of 20 and a standard deviation of 2.

random_be(probability,number,first column number,last column number)
This generates a set of random ones and zeroes in the designated block of columns according to a Bernoulli distribution.
e.g. random_be(0.35,10,7,9) will produce a set of 10 0's and 1's in each of columns 7 to 9 where the probability of a 1 is 0.35.

random_bi(trials,probability,number,first column number,last column number)
This generates random integers with a Binomial distribution specified by the 'trials' and probability values in the designated columns.
e.g. random_bi(10,0.8,20,5,8) will produce 20 numbers in each of columns 5 to 8 where each value is the number of successes in 10 trials where the probability of a success was 0.8.

random_p(mean,number,first column number,last column number)
This generates random integers with a Poisson's distribution which represents the number of occurences with the specified mean within a unit interval.
e.g. random_p(10,100,1,2) will produce 100 random integers in each of columns 1 and 2 which have a mean value of 10 and a Poisson distribution.

random_x(mean,number,first column number,last column number)
This generates random integers with an exponential distribution which represents the number of intervals with the specified mean value between two events.
e.g. random_x(4,20,3,5) will produce 20 random integers with a mean of 4 in each of columns 3 to 5 with an exponential distribution.



 STATS commands, page 2 

display(output device,first column number,last column number)
This will output the contents of the specified columns to either the screen or printer depending on the output device parameter, (screen or printer).
e.g. display(screen,1,6) will display the contents of columns 1 to 6 on the VDU.

Data display
A screen display has buttons to select the NEXT and PREVious pages, when applicable, and a PRINT button.
If the data can be identified as integer it is displayed with no decimal points. Otherwise, it is rounded to 4 d.p. no matter how many places there are.

The maximum size of a display page is 53 rows of 7 columns.

value(object name)
This will display on the screen the current value of the object concerned which can be a program variable or an element of data using the st[row:column] notation.
e.g. value(pp[2]) will display the current value of the second element of the pp[ ] array.

histogram(dimensions,type,steps,first column number,last column number)
This will display on the screen histograms of the data in the selected columns.
The acceptable values for the first two parameters are:-

Values Result
2D A two dimensional display
3D A three dimensional display
Values Result
hist Histogram
p_d_f Probability density function
c_d_f Cumulative distribution function

e.g. histogram(2D,hist,6,1,3) will display a 2-dimensional histogram with three sets of bars representing the data in columns 1 to 3, split into 6 steps.

The display has a PRINT and CLOSE button.

N.B.3D displays can be rotated around their axes by holding down the CTRL key, left-clicking the mouse and dragging.

point_plot(axes,first column number,last column number)
This will display on the screen scattergrams of the data in the columns concerned.
e.g. point_plot(axes,1,3) will display scattergrams of the data in columns 1 to 3.

The 'axes' parameter, (axes or no_axes), defines whether axes are to be drawn for this plot.
Essentially, this allows you to overlay several sets of data by selecting 'axes' for an initial plot and then 'no_axes' for a subsequent plot or plots.

Point plot 1
If you then use point_plot(no_axes,6,7), the plots for the data in columns 6 and 7 will be added to the display.

Point plot 2
The display has a PRINT and CLOSE button.

Each set of data is plotted using a different symbol up to the maximum of 8 sets of data.
Plot symbols
The maximum number of points which will be displayed is 30. If there are more than this in a selected column, a sample is taken rather than having an error message displayed.

If there are different number of points in a block of columns, it's the first column which is used to set the number for display.

graph(axes,markers,x-data column number,first y_data column number,last y_axis column number)
The data in the x-axis column is plotted against that of each of the columns in the block of y-axis data.
e.g. graph(axes,markers,1,2,4) will draw graphs with point markers, where the X-data is that in column 1 and there are three graphs corresponding to Y-data in columns 2 to 4.

The acceptable values for the first two parameters are:-

Values Result
axes Axes are added to a new graph
no_axes Subsequent plots are added to an existing graph.
Values Result
markers Points are emphasised with the same markers used for 'point_plot'
no_markers No markers are used.

Graph example

The axes ranges are calculated from the X-data column and the first of the Y-data columns. The actual range is rationalised to give ranges in simple numbers and the axes do not pass through the origin if this is not within the range of the data.

The X-data column can be included within the block but will be skipped as the graphs are drawn. e.g. graph(axes,markers,3,1,6) is acceptable: column 3 provides the X-data and graphs will be drawn using columns 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 as the Y-data.

best_line(axes,type,x-data column number,first y_data column number,last y_data column number)
This will find the best line that fits the sets of data: the data in the x-axis column being plotted against that of the block of y-axis data.
e.g. best_line(axes,quad,1,2,4) will draw the best quadratics for the data sets where the X-data is that in column 1 and there are three graphs corresponding to Y-data in columns 2 to 4.

'Best Line' example 1
After each line is drawn, there is a display of the equation of the line concerned, the mean relative residual, (MRR), and the symbol used for the data points.
Each residual = data - function value and the MRR is defined as Σ(absolute residuals)/Σ(absolute data).

'Best Line' example 2

The acceptable values for the first two parameters are:-

Values Result
axes Axes are added to a new graph
no_axes Subsequent plots are added to an existing graph.
Values Result
linear The best straight line is found.
quad The best quadratic is found.
ab^x The best line of the form y = a(bx) is found.
ax^r The best line of the form y = a(xr) is found.

The X-data column can be included within the block but will be skipped as the graphs are drawn. e.g. best_line(axes,linear,2,1,4) is acceptable: column 2 provides the X-data and graphs will be drawn using columns 1, 3 and 4 as the Y-data.

find_line(x-data column number,y_data column number)
This plots all of the available lines of best-fit for the data in the specified columns.

The mean relative residual for each line is stored and, if the graphs are printed, this information is added to the display as described above for the 'best_line' command and the minimum M.R.R. is listed as an aid in deciding which is the best line for this data.

A check is made at the start to see if the X or Y ranges include zeroes and, if they do, the two power graphs, y = a(bx) and y = a(xr), are excluded.
The first marker, ''Cross' marker , is used for the data and each line is drawn in a different colour.

e.g. find_line(1,2) will draw the four lines for the data in columns 1 and 2.

'Find Line' example
When all the graphs have been drawn, the equation of the one giving the smallest MRR is appended to the data display which, in this case, is the Fibonacci series!



 STATS commands, page 2: Arithmetic operations 

b_sum(first column number,last column number,results column number))
This adds the values across a row and stores the result in the 'results' column.
e.g. b_sum(1,3,4) will add the values in each row of columns 1 to 3 and store the result in the corresponding row of column 4.

c_sum(column number,label)
This adds the values in the designated column and stores the answer with the specified variable name.
e.g. c_sum(5,c) will add the values in column 5 and store the result with the program variable name, c.

diff(first column number,second column number,results column number)
This subtracts the values in the second column form those in the first and stores the results in the results column.
e.g. diff(6,3,7) will subtract the values in column 3 from those in column 6 and store the results in column 7.

inc(amount,column number,results column number)
This will add the amount to each item in the specified column and store the result in the results column.
e.g. inc(-1.25,1,2) will subtract 1.25 from each item in column 1 and store the results in column 2.

scale(amount,column number,results column number)
This will multiply each item in the specified column by the amount and store the results in the results column.
e.g. scale(0.87,3,5)) will multiply each item in column 3 by 0.87 and store the results in column 5.

b_min_max(first column number,second column number,minimum column number,maximum column number)
This finds the maximum and minimum values in the specified block of data and stored the results in the minimum and maximum columns.
e.g. b_min_max(1,4,5,6) will find the minimum and maximum values in each row of columns 1 to 4; storing the minima in column 5 and the maxima in column 6.

c_min_max(the column number,variable for minimum,variable for maximum)
This finds the maximum and minimum values in the designated column and stored the results in the specified variables.
e.g. c_min_max(3,pp[0],pp[1]) will find the minimum and maximum values in column 3 and store the results in the array values pp[0] and pp[1].

b_range(the first column number,the last column number,the results column)
This finds the range of values across each row of the designated block and stores the value in the results column.
b_range(3,5,6) will find the range of values across a row from column 3 to column 5 and store the result in column 6.

c_range(the column number,the result variable)
This finds the range of values within the designated column and stores the result with the specified variable name.
e.g. c_range(4,b) will find the range of values in column 4 and store the result as b.

b_mean(the first column number,the last column number,the results column)
This finds the mean of the values across each row of the designated block and stores the value in the results column.
e.g. b_mean(1,4,5) will find the mean of the values across a row from column 1 to column 4 and store the result in column 5.

c_mean(the column number,the variable for the result)
This finds the mean of the values in the designated column and stores the result with the specified variable name.
e.g. c_mean(7,d) will find the mean of the values in column 7 and store the answer as variable d.

parsum(the first column number,the second column number)
This finds the partial sums, (cumulative totals), of the data in the first column and stores the results in the second column.
e.g. parsum(4,6) will find the partial sums of the data in column 4 and store them in column 6.

sigma(the first column number,the second column number,label)
This finds the sum of the products of the values in the specified columns and stores the result with the designated variable name.
e.g. sigma(1,5,d) will multiply each element in column 1 by the corresponding item in column 5 and store the total of the products with the label d.

replace(lower limit,upper limit,replacement,the column number,the results column number)
This checks the data in the first column and, if the value, v, is such that lower limit ≤ v ≤ upper limit, v is replaced by the replacement value in the results column. Otherwise, the original value is transferred to the results column.
e.g. replace(1.1,2.3,0,1,2) will transfer the data from column 1 to column2, replacing the value by zero if 1.1 ≤ value ≤ 2.3

s_d(the column number,label for the result)
This finds the Standard Deviation of the data in the designated column and stored the value with the specified variable name.
e.g. s_d(5,x) will find the Standard Deviation of the data in column 5 and store it as variable x.
N.B. This will produce a result for any set of data but will only have validity if the data is normally distributed.

dist(type,interval,the column number,the results column number,label for the initial value, (the minimum))
e.g. dist(c_d_f,10,4,5,d) will find the cumulative distribution of the data in column 4 over 10 steps and store the results in column 5 with the minimum value being stored as variable d.

This was developed as part of the 'histogram' command but may have some use in its own right.

The 'type' parameter takes the same values as in 'histogram'. The command will find the distribution of the data in the designated column and stores the results in the results column with the initial, (minimum), value stored with the specified label.

sort(the number of fields,the order,the first column number,the last column number,the first results column number,the key column numbers)
The command allows a block of data to be sorted on any number of key columns which can be used in any order.
e.g. sort(3,ascend,1,4,5,1,2,4) will sort the data in the block of columns 1 to 4 in ascending order using as the 3 key fields column 1, then column 2 and finally column 4. The sorted data is stored in a block starting at column 5.

The 'order' parameter takes the values ascend or descend.

If the sorted data is to replace the original set, then the results column number is made the same as the intial.
e.g. sort(3,ascend,1,4,1,1,2,4) for the example shown above.

regress(type,the X-data column number,the Y-data column number)
A form is displayed which allows the entry of X-values and displays the corresponding Y-value on the basis of regression onto the designated line.

'Best Line' example 2

e.g. regress(quad,1,2) will find the quadratic of best fit to the data in columns 1 and 2 and display a form for the entry of X-values.

The 'type' parameter takes the same values as in 'best_line'.

round(type,number of figures,the source column number,the results column number)
The items in the source column are rounded according to the specification and stored in the results column.

The 'type' parameter takes the values 'dp' or 'sf'.

Values Result
dp Rounding to decimal places
sf rounding to significant figures

e.g. round(sf,3,1,2) will round the data in column 1 to 3 significant figures; storing the results in column 2.



 STATS commands, page 2: Significance tests 

Several significance tests can be carried out using the basic commands, e.g. those involving means, so those included as specific commands are the ones which would be difficult to do via a series of arithmetic commands.

Probability and distribution tables will have to be used as it isn't thought to be efficient to tie up your PC's memory with pages of tables.

The tests will give results for any set of data but they will only have significance if the data is of a nature to which the test can be applied.

correlate(first column number,last column number,label))
This finds the product-moment correlation coefficient between the data in the designated columns and stores the result with the specified variable name.
e.g. correlate(3,4,x) will find the product-moment correlation coefficient between the data in columns 3 and 4 and store it as variable x.

chi_test(observed frequency column number,expected frequency column number,label))
This carries out a χ² test on the data in the first column by comparison with that in the second. The statistic, χ², is stored with the specified variable name.
e.g. chi_test(1,2,x) will compare the data in column 1 with the expected frequency of this data in column 2 and store the coefficient as variable x.

t_test(column number,quoted mean,label))
This carries out the 'Student's' T-test on the data in the column, which is compared with the quoted mean. The result is stored with the specified variable name.
e.g. t_test(1,2.3,c) will compare the data in column 1 which may be part of a set which has a mean value of 2.3; storing the result as variable c.

m_w_test(tails,end,first column number,second column number,label))
This carries out a Mann-Whitney test on the data where the acceptable values for 'tails' and 'end' are shown below.

Values Result
one Applies a one-tailed test.
two Applies a two-tailed test.
Values Result
high The high end of the distribution is used.
low The low end of the distribution is used.

e.g. m_w_test(one,high,1,2,a) will carry out a single-tailed test on the high end of the distribution of the data in columns 1 and 2; storing the result as the variable a.

Even though the 'end' parameter has no meaning in a two-tailed test, a value must be entered to avoid a syntax error. In fact, the algorithm assumes a symmetrical distribution, carries out the single-tailed test selected and multiplies the result by 2!



 Programing STATS commands 

There is a limited set of programing commands which can be used to automate the use of STATS commands.


Whereas there must be NO spaces in STATS commands, programing statements MUST be spaced out except when using STATS commands or expressions.

Square brackets, [ ], indicate optional syntax.


The start an end of a set of instructions must be stated explicitly.

Begin must be at the start of a program.

Finish must be at the end of a program.


The application has a number of in-built numeric variables which can be used to store the results of operations or in programs.

These are:-

a, b, c, d, l, m, x, y Simple numeric variables.
pp[ ] An array variable which can have subscript values from zero, (pp[0]), up to the current number of columns, (pp[number of columns]).
st[row:column] This is not strictly a variable but acts as one for the purposes of storing data and displays. It references an element of the stored data by row and column. e.g. st[3:2] refers to the third number in column 2.

In the last two cases it is essential to use square brackets, [ ], rather than round ones.

The program also allows you to use pi, (p), and e


= assigns a variable name to value.

The value may be an actual number, another variable or an expression created using standard BASIC syntax.

e.g. b = 2*c-d will assign the current value of the expression 2*c-d to the variable b


For variable name= starting value to final value [step step value]

This statement defines the start of a loop where the loop variable takes the specified values.

'Step' values can be fractional and negative. If no 'step' is included, it defaults to 1.

Loops may be nested.

e.g. For m = 1 to 5; will start a loop using m as the loop variable with initial value 1 which will increase by 1 each loop until a final value of 5 is exceeded.


This defines the end of a loop. When this position is reached, the loop variable is incremented by the 'step' value and checked against the final value defined in this loop's 'For' statement. If the end of the loop has been reached, the loop is terminated. Otherwise, the program loops back to the line after the 'For' statement.

Do ... While or Do ... Until loops can be faked by a For ... Next loop, although, with hindsight, it might have been easier to define a Do loop and fake a For ... Next!


If condition then

This statement checks the truth of the specified condition.

If it is True then the lines following the statement are processed until an 'Else' or 'Endif' statement is found. Otherwise, the lines following the corresponding 'Else' or 'Endif' statements are processed.

If a>= 7 then; will continue with the next lines if the value labeled a is currently greater than or equal to 7.


If an 'Else' statement is included, it is the lines following this which will be processed when the 'If' condition is False


If there is no 'Else' statement, the program jumps to the lines after 'Endif' when the 'If' condition is False.


' The single quote symbol allows you to add explanatory comments to your programs.

These can come at the end of a progam line e.g. For a = 1 to 7 'Loop seven times.

or have a line to themselves. e.g. 'The next section generates random integers.


The following senior school investigation is used as an example to illustrate the use of repetition.

"Investigate the range produced and the mean of the range when a set of normally distributed random numbers are generated with different Standard Deviations."

Using STATS commands alone, the following will produce the required information.


The process would then need to be repeated with the Standard Deviation in the 'random_n' command changed to 2, then 3, etc.

This calls for a program and a loop! (With comments added for clarity).

For a = 1 to 4 'Use a For loop to generate Standard Deviations.
clear_all 'Clear out the previous set of data.
random_n(50,a,50,1,4) 'Generate 50 random numbers with a mean of 50 and S.D. a in columns 1 to 4.
b_range(1,4,5) 'Find the range if the values in columns 1 to 4 and store the result in column 5.
c_mean(5,b) 'Find the mean of the ranges and store the result as b.
value(b) 'Display the mean

This will provide the required information but it can be made better by having it store the results and draw a best line through them.

a = 4 'Use a variable to define the number of loops.
st[1:6] = 0 'Store a zero in the first row of column 6
st[1:7] = 0 'and column 7 as the first data pair.
For b = 1 to a 'Use a For loop to generate Standard Deviations of 1 to a.
b_clear(1,5) 'Clear the working block of data, columns 6 & 7 must stay.
random_n(50,b,50,1,4) 'Generate 50 random numbers with a mean of 50 and S.D. b in columns 1 to 4.
b_range(1,4,5) 'Find the range if the values in columns 1 to 4 and store the result in column 5.
st[b+1:6] = b 'Store the Standard Deviation in column 6
c_mean(5,st[b+1:7]) 'and the mean of the ranges in column 7
best_line(axes,linear,6,7,7) 'Show the best straight line for the means plotted against the Standard Deviations.

I feel that the use of conditional statements is likely to be limited in the context of STATS.

The following example is given as a simple illustration of 'If ... then', 'Else' and 'Endif' for anyone not familiar with the structure.

For a = 1 to 5 'Use a For loop.
If a>2 then 'Start of the conditional statement.
b = 3 'Assign b the value 3 if the condition is True,
Else 'Otherwise,
b = 2 'assign it the value 2.
Endif 'The end of the conditional statement.
value(b) 'Display the value of b, (2, 2, 3, 3, 3)

It is possible to indent program statements to emphasise the structure by the use of spaces, (Tabs won't work), and the F10 key is programmed to add or insert a group of spaces into a line which has no effect on the execution of a program.

For a = 1 to 5
If a>2 then
b = 3
b = 2

It would be simple to extend the program facility to allow the use of any variable name; of different variable types and of extra programing statements. As mentioned previously, this has not been done because it would carry an overhead of processing time which will slow down the interpreter.

However, if you feel that extra facilities would be useful, please contact me.



 BASIC syntax 

It may be that my references to 'BASIC syntax' might not mean much to some people.

It used to be that every small computer came equipped with BASIC but, as this has not been the case for some years now, I felt it might be useful to give a brief outline of the BASIC syntax you need to use to enter equations for the 'function' command or to create expressions for a program or command.

BASIC is an acronym for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code and it is the language that most of us over cut our programming teeth on. Over and you were likely to have started programming in binary via a set of switches!

The operators and functions which you can use are listed below. They are all case sensitive.


Recognised operators in order of precedence.
Package code Operation
^ Raise to the power
* Multiplication
/ Fractional, floating point division
\ Integral division
mod Mod, Modulus
+ Addition or a positive value
- Subtraction or a negative value
= Equality
> Greater than *
Less than *
<> Not equal to *
<= Less than or equal to *
>= Greater than or equal to *
and Logical AND *
or Logical OR *
xor Logical Exclusive OR, XOR *
not Logical NOT * † ‡
eqv Logical equivalence, Not XOR * † ‡
imp Logical implication * † ‡

* The results of logical operations return -1 for True and 0 for False.

These operators can be applied to values as well as conditions.
Hover over the reference symbols for examples.

These operators can generate 1's from zeroes. As all of the bits in the number/s are processed, (32 bits in the case of integers), any leading zeroes in the values used will generate 1's and so the result is likely to be a negative number.

Hover over the symbols for examples.


 Standard Functions 
Package codeFunction
absAbs, the absolute value
cosCos, cosine
expExp, enumber, the antilogarithm
fixFix, = Sgn(number)*Int(Abs(number))
intInt, the integer portion of the number
logLog, the natural logarithm
rndRnd, a random number where 0 ≤ number < 1
sgnSgn, sign of the number
sinSin, sine
sqrSqr, the positive square root
tanTan, tangent
 Derived Functions 
Package codeFunction
log10Logarithm to the base 10
log2Logarithm to the base 2
 Inverse Trig. Functions 
Package codeFunction
sec1/Sin, secant
cosec1/Cos, cosecant
cot1/Tan, cotangent, cotan
arcsin'Angle whose sine is'
arccos'Angle whose cosine is'
atn'Angle whose tangent is', Arctan
arcsec'Angle whose secant is'
arccosec'Angle whose cosecant is'
arccot'Angle whose cotangent is'
 Hyperbolic functions 
Package codeFunction
sinhHyperbolic Sine

With BASIC, the main rule is that everything has to be stated explicitly. e.g. we all know that 2x means "Two multiplied by x" but this has to be written in full as '2*x' in BASIC.

A second point is that, as all parts of an equation have to be entered in line, far more parentheses are needed than is the case with written algebra. An equation which would usually be written as "1 over 1 + x" has to be entered as 1/(1+x).

Whilst the following is a rule of basic arithmetic not BASIC, a common mistake is to misinterpret expressions such as 2 + 5 x 3 and expect the result '21' when, in fact, it's 17. [21 = (2 + 5) x 3].



 The EXCEL classes 

Whilst being OK for the occasional macro, VBA has its limits for full projects. The syntax is more limited than that of VB and I've found stability problems with Excel VBA. However, Excel is a very useful data storage medium and the Excel classes were designed to allow this use from within a VB based application. However, I'm in the process of replacing Excel with LibreOffice Calc, (see the LibreOffice VB6 section), and may re-write these classes to work with LO.

There are two classes, ExcelApplication and ExcelWorkbook.


This opens Excel if necessary and creates a collection for ExcelWorkbook objects. Ony one ExcelApplication object can exist at a time.


This allows workbooks to be opened and manipulated. Books are defined as 'With Events' so that use can be made of Excel events.

The class has the following methods and properties.

Name Parameters Operation
open_book Book name Opens the specified book.
clear_sheet Clears the contents of the current sheet.
save_book Saves the open book.
close_book Closes the open book.
Name Parameters Operation
get_book Returns a reference to the open book object.
sheet_name Returns the name of the active sheet.
get_sheet Returns a reference to the active sheet.
select_sheet Sheet name Selects the sheet and returns a reference to it.
set_sheet Sheet name Returns a reference to the specified sheet object WITHOUT selecting it.
set_range Sheet name, (r1, c1), (r2, c2) Returns a reference to the defined range on the specified sheet WITHOUT selecting it.

The class contains a procedure for only one event, 'xlBk_SheetActivate', which calls a main program procedure, 'select_sheet_action', whenever a new sheet is selected. However, it is easy to add code for other events using these as templates.



 The PRINTING classes 

These classes are designed to allow the layout, preview and printing of text from within a VB application.

There are two classes,

PPpages, which is used to create a set of pages and deals with operations which apply to the WHOLE SET, and

PPpage, which deals with the methods and properties applicable to a SINGLE page.


This class has the following Methods and Properties,

 Method   Operation 
Add Add a page to a collection
delete Delete a page from a collection
mt Empty a collection
page_parms Set the page parameters
set_pinc Set the page number increment, 1 or 2
change_v_bar Change the vertical Scroll bar position †
change_h_bar Change the horizontal Scroll bar position †
zoom Zoom in or out, (Left click), to a maximum of 300% †
switch_zoom Toggle the direction of zoom, (Right click). †
close_preview Close the Preview form †
print_it Print or preview the current page
select_printer Select a printer †
select_Excel_printer Select a printer for use with Excel workbooks
page_setup Set page data via the 'Page Setup' window
font_setup Set font data via the 'Font Setup' window
 Property   Data 
page_data Return page data, margins, etc.
find_index Return the collection index of a page
find_page Return a 'page' object
font_dta Return the current font data
page_col Return a 'pages' collection object

† These methods exist to be accessed by the Preview Form and should not otherwise be used.

The units used for page sizes can be set to either inches or mm. by means of a flag variable.


This class has the following Methods and Properties,

 Method   Operation 
set_object Select an alternative to the Preview form for display
set_p_col Set the background colour of the display object.
add_text Basic text routine. *
add_f_text More advanced text routine. *
add_graphic Adds a graphic images to a page. *
terminate Terminate a line of text.
set_sizes Set the page data, margins, etc. †
set_align Set a global alignment for a page.
page_numbers Add the numbers of a page
set_zoom Set the zoom factor
font Set ALL font parameters
set_font Set a SINGLE font parameter
set_pp Set the Print/Preview flag
head_foot Add header or footer text. *
super_date Construct a date string with days shown as, e.g. 15th.

† This method exists only to transfer page data from a PPpages object and should not otherwise be used.

 Property   Data 
page_number Return the Local or Absolute number of a page
page_flag Return the current Print/Preview flag
page_data Return page data, margins, etc.
font_defaults Return ALL the font parameters from the PPpages object
font_data Return a SINGLE font parameter
centre Return an offset to centre a piece of text
line_height Return the current line separation

add_text is a basic text display routine. It will add a line of text formatted Left, Right or Centre but the text is truncated if longer than a line width.

add_f_text is a more versitile text display routine which will wrap excess text onto a new line, allow Full justification as well as Left, Right and Centre and will recognise the following, in-line font formating codes,

 Code   Action 
\ Start of formating code
/ End of formating code
b Set font Bold
i Set font Italic
u Underline text
t Strike through the text
s Set as superscript
p Set as subscript
k Backspace
y Select 'Symbol' font
w Select 'WingDings' font
d Reselect the default font
q[digits] Set the corresponding QB colour
[digits] Set the point size to the value
n Return to default font values

* More detail on the operation of these methods is given here.



 The PRINTING classes: TEXT and GRAPHIC methods 

 Basic addition of text 

add_text(tx, hp, tm, ByRef p_d, Optional vp, Optional alg)

tx the TEXT,
hp the HORIZONTAL position in units, which is updated and returned via the parameter,
tm the LINE TERMINATOR flag,
p_d the PRINT DEPTH in units, which is updated and returned via the parameter,
alg the ALIGNMENT, 0 = Left, 1 = Centre, 2 = Right, defaults to -1 which accepts the current page alignment,
vp the VERTICAL offset in units, defaults to zero,

If the text is longer than the available page width as defined by the vertical margins and any horizontal offset set by 'hp', an error message is displayed but as much of the line will be printed as will fit on the page.

The line terminator flag is a Boolean which will terminate the text line if True. Setting it False allows further text to be added to the same line.

The alignment setting is really of little use! If you're going to add extra text on the same line, i.e. the termination flag is clear, only Left alignment can be allowed as is the case if there is already some text on the line, i.e. 'a non-zero 'hp'.

The vertical parameter, 'vp', which is set to default to zero, is an addition to the current printing depth, 'p_d', which can be used to add line spacing.

All text formating has to be carried out using the 'font' or 'set_font' methods.

 Addition of formated text 

add_f_text(tx, Optional p_d = 0, Optional tm As Boolean = False, Optional alg = -1, Optional p_l As Single = 0,
Optional vp As Single = 0, Optional h_p As Single = 0)

tx the TEXT,
p_d the PRINT DEPTH in units, defaults to zero
tm the LINE TERMINATOR flag, defaults to False
alg the ALIGNMENT, 0 = Left, 1 = Centre, 2 = Right, 3 = Fully Justified, defaults to -1, (accept the current global alignment).
p_l the PART LINE length in units, optional, default = zero,
vp the VERTICAL offset in units, defaults to zero
h_p the HORIZONTAL offset in units, defaults to zero

If the printing depth is defaulted, the current internal value will be used. If a non-zero value is entered for the parameter, the internal value is reset to this figure.

The line terminator flag is a Boolean which will terminate the line at the end of the text block if True. The default of False allows further text to be added to the same line, (See PART LINE, below).

The alignment, 'alg', defaults to -1 which means that the current page alignment is used. This is either the default of Left or that set by the 'set_align' method.

The PART LINE value is used to return the position of the text on the line at the end of a block which can then be used to complete this line with further text, provided that the termination flag was set to False. N.B. If full justification is used, the first part of such a line, (i.e. the last part of the previous section), will NOT be justified.

The vertical parameter, 'vp', which is set to default to zero, is an addition to the current printing depth, 'p_d', which can be used to add line spacing. i.e. setting it to the line height will give double line spacing.

The horizontal offset, 'h_p', is added as in INDENT from the LEFT margin. If LEFT or FULL JUSTIFICATION is used with a non-zero PART LINE value, this offset is ignored. If a NEGATIVE value is used, this is interpreted as an indent from both the LEFT and RIGHT margins.

 The use of codes 

If your text requires a 'back-slash' character to be displayed, just enter two, e.g. \\ There is no problem in using forward slashes.

Codes are sequential and are only reset by \n/. i.e. if you set text to italic, \i/, and later to bold, \b/, your display will be both italic and bold. To have bold without italic, you'd have to use \nb/.

The use of 'y' to select the Symbol font depends on that font being available on the machine. This is an unknown for distributed software but most machines will have 'Symbol'. The facility exists for Mathematical/Scientific text which may require these symbols and further symbols can be had by the use of code 'w' for 'WingDings' which should be available on all machines.

The text printing routines will recognise the VB constants, vbTab, vbCr, vbLf and vbCrLf although the last three will start the text for the following line at the far left of the page, (NOT at the Left margin), and the 'terminate' command is a better way to start a new line. Special characters are best entered from the keyboard using ALT plus the three or four digit code, e.g. © is given by ALT plus 0169.

The inclusion of a backspace code, 'k', is to allow the production of vertically aligned subscripts and superscripts for Maths and Science text.
e.g. Super/Sub Mu which was produced by "\y/m\ds/3\kp/n\n/" but which would now be better done as "&#x03bc;\s/3\kp/n\n/"
The QB colour codes are as shown below. The colour descriptions are weird! i.e. 'Red' is a greyish red whilst 'Light Red' is red. 'White' is pale grey and 'Bright White' is white.

Code Colour RGB (in Hex)
0 Black (0, 0, 0)
1 Blue (0, 0, &H80)
2 Green (0, &H80, 0)
3 Cyan (0, &H80, &H80)
4 Red (&H80, 0, 0)
5 Magenta (&H80, 0, &H80)
6 Yellow (&H80, &H80, 0)
7 White (&HC0, &HC0, &HC0)
8 Grey (&H80, &H80,&H80)
9 Light Blue (0, 0, &HFF)
10 Light Green (0, &HFF, 0)
11 Light Cyan (0, &HFF, &HFF)
12 Light Red (&HFF, 0, 0)
13 Light Magenta (&HFF, 0, &HFF)
14 Light Yellow (&HFF, &HFF, 0)
15 Bright White (&HFF, &HFF, &HFF)

VisualBasic's default text display is positioned at the TOP and LEFT of the character bounding boxes which is not what we want so the 'SetTextAlign' API call is used to vertically position characters at the BOTTOM of the character as a Word Processor would display them.

These text addtion routines DON'T constitute a word processor. e.g. if text is displayed and then the margins or other page properties changed, the existing text display isn't altered; only that which follows the changes in your 'create_page' routine.

I'm considering the possibility of wrapping text around a graphic.

 Addition of a graphic 

add_graphic(g_path As String, Optional gw As Single = 0, Optional gh As Single = 0, Optional hh As Integer = -1, Optional vv As Integer = 0)

path the full path graphic FILE NAME,
gw required WIDTH in units or as a NEGATIVE fraction of the page width, (default = 0),
gh required HEIGHT in units or as a NEGATIVE fraction of the page height, (default = 0),
hh the relative HORIZONTAL POSITION or default, (-1), to centre,
vv the relative VERTICAL POSITION or default, (0), for current depth plus a single line space.

If the width, 'gw', is defaulted to zero, the width is set to that of the image. This may be too big to fit on a page and so an error message will be displayed.

If 'gh' is set to its default, the graphic height is set to keep the proportions of the original, which will be the usual situation. Therefore, defaulting both 'gw' and 'gh' will display the graphic at its original size.

The negative values for fractions of the page width and height are required as fractional unit values might be used when the units are set to inches.

 Header and footer text 

One routine is used for both operations.

head_foot(flg, Optional ltx As String = "", Optional ctx As String = "", Optional rtx As String = "", Optional f_nm As String = "", Optional f_sz As Single = 0, Optional f_mb As Boolean = False))

flg the flag, 0 = Header, 1 = Footer,
ltx LEFT text,
ctx CENTRE text,
rtx RIGHT text,
f_nm the font NAME,
f_sz the font SIZE,
f_mb the font BOLD status.

Any of the three items of text can be omitted as can the font data. In the latter case, the default settings are used.

Specialist data can be displayed by using the following codes,

"pa" Displays the page number using ARABIC numerals preceeded by "Page "
"pr" Displays the page number using lower case ROMAN numerals
"sd" Displays the date in the form '22/3/07'
"ld" Displays the date in the form '22nd March, 2007'

No check is made to see if the three pieces of text overlap!

There is also no check made that your specified footer margin won't push the depth of the text off the bottom of a page. It isn't possible to do this because it isn't known what size of font you're going to use for the footer text. In 'preview' mode, too great a depth for the footer will just result in it vanishing. However, when printing, this can lead to a situation where tens of printed pages will be generated, so beware!



 The MESSAGE BOX classes 

The standard MsgBox and InputBox displays are a little limited. The font is fixed and the colours are the Windows colours and, whilst an Input box can be positioned, you can't place a MsgBox.

Whilst these are not major problems, these classes give a little more scope.

There are two classes, MsgBx and mbx.

 MsgBx  This stores general parameters which apply to all boxes such as font and colour.


Name Operation
modify Change the font name, point size, box size or colour.
defaults Reset the font name, point size, box size or colour to the defaults.

 mbx  This produces the boxes.


Name Operation
message_box Provides a basic Message Box.
message_bx Provides a Message box as a function.
input_box Provides an Input Box.

The class doesn't provide the 'Context' or 'Help' attributes of the standard functions.



 The EVALUATION class 

Evaluation functions are ubiquitous in scripts but rare in compiled languages because it's far easier to carry out the evaluation of a string with an interpreter. This creates problems if you're writing an interactive application, particularly a mathematical one, as you're liable to want the user to enter equations, etc.

This class overcomes that problem by providing a method for a VB application to evaluate a string.

It's based on the published Microsoft code with additions to allow the recognition of more variables and functions.

The class is called eval which has a single method of the same name, eval.

The class recognises the variables a, b, c, d, l, m, x and y, (although only x is available in the demonstration), and the constants pi and e as well as the usual operators, trig. and inverse trig. functions, the hyperbolic functions, log2, (log2), and log10, (log10).



 The CDC class 

There are reports of problems using the CommonDialog control with different platforms and that Microsoft has declared it to be 'unsafe'!

There are certainly problems when trying to use it with Office 2003, VBA applications running under XP.

Several codings are available to replace the CD control with API calls and this class is based on code from a number of sources.

The CDC_class class has the following self-explanitory methods,


It has one property, FontData, which can be used to return the selected font size, colour, etc.

The demonstration allows the use of each of the methods.

A complete set of constants is included for all aspects of the API calls even 'though some aren't used by the existing code. I found some values so difficult to find that I decided to include them all.

The ShowPrinter method applies the specified data to the selected printer: the other methods require the main program to do this.

A modified version of the class, CDC_Excel_class, is included as a text file for use with VBA code but this is not recommended as there is little control over a printer from VBA as a Printer object can't be defined. This is one of the reasons for me switching to LO rather than MS Office



 The SORT class 

The sort class has code for six sorting algorithms and has the following methods,

 Method   Operation 
transfer Transfer data from the main program to the sort object
retirn Return data from the sort object to the main program
bubble_srt Sort the data using a bubble sort
exchange_srt Sort the data using an exchange sort
insertion_srt Sort the data using an insertion sort
quick_srt Sort the data using a quick sort
shell_srt Sort the data using a Shell-Mietzner sort
tree_srt Sort the data using a tree sort
MF_srt a multi-field, indexed Shell sort

The main demonstrations allow the production of either a set of integer data or string data which can be sorted and timed by each of the methods.

The multi-field, Shell sort could be adapted for any of the other algorithms.

The multi-field demonstration generates an integer or string data set with up to ten fields which can be sorted on any selection of these ten, taken in any order by the MF_srt method.

There is also an option to sort names according to the UK English conventions and a data file, name.dta, to demonstrate this.

To allow for different types of data, the code is written using variant variables but could be re-dimensioned to fit specific data types so as to reduce memory usage and speed up the sorts.



 The ABOUT class 

This is even more esoteric than the 'Message Box' class but, if you write Help files, it can be useful to have a standardised 'Help About' form which doesn't need any programming other than defining its colour and graphics, as it picks up its information from the package properties.

It would be easy to extend the customisation of the form to include font name and size.

It contains two versions of the About class code; 'about.cls' which provides memory information for 32bit systems and 'about_64.cls' for 64 bit systems.



 The GRAPHIC SIZE class 

The Graphic size class allows the Width, Height and, (in most cases), the colour depth of a graphic file to be read.

The original class was created by David Crowell, (,, although these links are no longer active.

The file formats it can detect are:-

.BMP, .JPG, .GIF, .TIF, .PNG, .ICO[1], .PCX, .PSD, .PSB, .TGA[2] and the Adobe group [3], .EPS, .PS and .AI

The class has the following Method and Properties,


ReadImageInfo, which reads the image information.


ImageType, which gives one of the following as the Image type code.

Width,The image width in pixels.

Height,The image height in pixels.

Depth,The colour depth in bits/pixel.

[1] As an ICON file usually contains several icons of different sizes and colour depths, no sizes can be given, so just the number of icons is reported.
[2] In fact, the class only detects TARGA v2 files as I can't find an identifier for v1 files.
[3] Due to the variety of ways that the data can be arranged, (or left out!) of an Adobe file, no attempt has been made to find the colour depth of such files.



 Using LibreOffice with VB6 

Visual Basic is designed to be used with other MS applications such as Excel by virtue of the addition of various references.

However, no such facilities are provided for free Office packages such as OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

This section provides information on how to use VB6 with LibreOffice and a set of procedures and functions based on this information. Whilst these are written for VB 6.0, as this is all I have, I imagine that they can easily be translated to the versions released after 1998 and the various Net versions.

The package consists of the set of files listed below. The VB6 project hasn't been compiled so that you can make your own edits,

VB6 ProjectLOT.vbpThis hasn't been compiled.
LOT.exeThis only exist for a date for help 'About'
samples.odsSample data for examples
samples.otsTemplate for data file
samples_bu.odsBack-up of sample data
Associated graphic files
Help systemhelp.htmThis gives an outline of the code required
and descriptions of the examples.
Associated graphic files
Associated CSS files
Associated scripts

The files can be downloaded as a .ZIP document, (, 242K)