Mandelbröt set 1
Mandelbröt set

Julia set 2
Julia enlargement

This version allows you to draw the Mandelbröt sets for ten different iterative functions and their associated Julia sets.

Function Real part Imaginary part
z = z² + c x² - y² 2xy
z = z³ + c x³ - 3xy² 3x²y - y³
z = z² + z + c x² - y² + x y(2x + 1)
z = z² - z + c x² - y² - x y(2x - 1)
z = z(z² - 1) + c x³ - 3xy² - x 3x²y - y - y³
z = z²(z - 1) + c x³ - x² - 3xy² + y² 3x²y - 2xy - y³
z = z² - z - 1 + c x² - y² - x - 1 y(2x - 1)
z = z⁴ + c x⁴ - 6x²y² + y⁴ 4(x³y - xy³)
z = z(z + i) + c x² - y² - y x(2y + 1)
z = z²(z + i) + c x³ - 3xy² - 2xy 3x²y + x² - y² - y³

Areas for enlargement are selected by dragging the mouse over a display and displays can be printed and stored, either as the basic data used to generate the display or as the actual display data.

The illustrations are areas of the sets produced by the function z = z²(z - 1) + c

A sample storage file is included in the package and there is also an extensive "Help" file appended.

The current version has had a number of modifications added, the most important of which is that you can now enter your own equations.

Julia set 1
Julia set

Mandelbröt set 2
Mandelbröt enlargement

Have a look at the Mandelbröt and Julia gallery
or download the MANDELBRÖT package, (1.58M).

Other Mandelbröt sites:-

Julia and Mandelbröt Sets
Images of the Filled Julia Set for the Riemann Zeta Function
Fractal Explorer Mandelbröt and Julia sets (by Fabio Cesari)
Julia Set, Mu-Ency at MROB
Mandelbröt Set and Julia Sets
Mandelbröt And Julia Set Explorer
Julia and Mandelbröt Set Bibliography
The Fractory Make-Your-Own Julia Sets
Mandel and Julia
Mandelbröt and Julia sets